1.One of the cables tells of a dinner between the U. S. ambassador to China and the head of the Communist Party.
2.President Hu said the Communist Party, to continue its rule, must adapt to a changing nation and a changing world.
3.The "Manifesto of the Communist Party" was written in a few days of round-the-clock creative inspiration in Brussels in January 1848.
4.Selling to foreigners is particularly sensitive at the moment, as China gears up for the Communist Party Congress in the fall.
5.The kind of wealth created by the stock-market boom is pretty much all that legitimizes Communist Party rule these days.
6.The advanced nature of the Communist Party of China is not in its blood, but comes through the concrete process of the times.
7.The Global Times, a newspaper published by the Communist Party, said the fleet could consist of two cruisers and one large supply ship.
8."Getting the Communist Party out of the management of these companies, that's what is required, " he said. "I don't see that on the table. "
9.For a member of the Communist Party who grew up in Mao's China, this was a pretty overwhelming taste of participatory democracy in action.
10.Arrival of unions is often accompanied by Communist party cells at the enterprise level.